Self Defense Tips by ScottSecuritySourceDOTcom


Do as much as you can to avoid a confrontation - "anticipation and avoidance" are the key words. If you get caught up in a situation, try to talk to an aggressor without provoking them. Practice relaxation, as appearing fearful or stressed can actually provoke an attack. Remember that body language is important in aggressive situations, so maintain a comfortable distance between you and the aggressor.

Use a gas or electronic attack alarm, as these give out a short piercing sound and will temporarily disorientate an attacker, giving you enough time to escape. Carry it somewhere where you can get to it quickly - don't leave it buried at the bottom of your bag. If you don't have an alarm, just make a noise yourself by screaming as loud as you can, or shouting "call the police" - if you're loud enough this can be just as effective as a personal alarm. If you have an alarm, use it and shout as well.

Steady yourself if danger threatens. Panic can disable you, so again it’s useful to learn how to keep control in a difficult situation. And if you must fight back, adopt what police term the "bash and dash" approach. Primary targets are the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, throat, groin, knees or shins; choose whichever is easiest to get to.

If held from behind don't struggle forward, you'll only exhaust yourself. Instead throw yourself backwards to surprise your attacker or stomp on the lower leg or foot.

You have the right to defend yourself with reasonable force and this includes using items you have with you such as an umbrella, bag, briefcase or keys. However, don't carry or use anything that the law would regard as an offensive weapon. Once you've achieved your primary aim of stunning or surprising your attacker, get away as fast as you can. If you manage to overcome them don't attack again, you could be putting yourself in more danger or you could end up being charged with assault.

These are just the very basics of self-defense, but to learn more about it and get some exercise at the same time, find a local self-defense class and encourage your family along to join you. Just remember "anticipation and avoidance" are the best forms of defense.

The above excerpt was provided by Scott Security Source, taken from their book: Be Prepared, Be Safe. In this day and age we live; everyone needs to be proactive and aware of their surroundings. It is our intent to empower people with products and knowledge to always be prepared and to be safe.
Like what you read? Would you like the entire eBook, a $29.99 value? Visit: is your total source for over 500 non-lethal products. You can get their free newsletter by email at the bottom right of any webpage. Free shipping on orders over $100.
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What is the definition of "Total Loss"?

What is a Total Loss?

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A total loss occurs when your vehicle repairs cost around 75% more that the sales value of your vehicle the day of the car accident. You have little control over whether or not the insurance company repairs your vehicle, or deems it a total loss. If the repair estimate is close to 75% of the value of your vehicle, you can plea your case to the insurance adjuster. If you can prove the fair market value of your vehicle is more the day of the accident than what their appraisal says, you may get them to change their mind and repair your vehicle instead of replacing your total loss vehicle. These negotiation techniques can be found in The Claim Buster eBook

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Is (Vampire Repellent) Pepper Spray Legal?

NOTE: Pepper Spray is legal in all 50 states, however a number of cities and states have restrictions on sizes, strengths, etc.. If you have a question, it is wise to check with you local city or state attorneys office. Defense sprays should only be purchased by those 18 years of age or older. The above list may not be totally accurate or complete and Self Defense & Security accepts no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness.

The above excerpt was provided by Scott Security Source, taken from their book: Be Prepared, Be Safe. In this day and age we live; everyone needs to be proactive and aware of their surroundings. It is our intent to empower people with products and knowledge to always be prepared and to be safe.

Like what you read? Would you like the entire eBook, a $29.99 value? Visit: is your total source for over 500 non-lethal products. You can get their free newsletter by email at the bottom right of any webpage. Free shipping on orders over $100.

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!/bepreparedbesafe Repellent pepper spray has been formulated to repel vampires by adding essence of garlic to the ingredients. Not only does it repel vampires, it also repels humans and all the Renfield’s out there.

Preventing Rape

Here is another tip from the book, Be Prepared-Be Safe; courtesy of I would recommend sending the link to this blog post to every woman that you know. If you are concerned about others and want to have them read this blog, copy this link and email it to them:

Preventing Rape
If you are in immediate danger of being raped, here are some things that you can do. a loud noise - Carry a whistle or scream "police" to attract attention

Run - Only run if there is somewhere safe to run to. If there is no where to go you may aggravate the assailant further by running

Stall - Speak calmly and rationally. Try not to plead, cry or show that you're scared, this may be the reaction that he's going for.

Urinate or vomit - Do anything you can to repulse the assailant. Tell him that you have a STD or AIDS.

Fight - Women who resist attacks and act quickly are less likely to be raped, than those who are passive. The optimum time to react is in the first 20 seconds when the body releases chemicals in the blood that help to put up a fight. Be cautious if he has a weapon.

Keep alert - Even though it will be difficult, try to pay attention to as many details as possible, so that you can identify your assailant.

Get help - Call 9-1-1 as soon as possible. Police are becoming more willing to help victims of rape. You are not obligated to press charges or go to court.

Collect evidence - Do not bathe, shower, or douche. If you change clothes, put the clothes you were raped in into a bag and seal it.

Tell someone - Call the police, rape crisis counselor, telephone operator, friend. It is very important that someone knows and that it is not kept a secret.

The above excerpt was provided by Scott Security Source, taken from their book: Be Prepared, Be Safe. In this day and age we live; everyone needs to be proactive and aware of their surroundings. It is our intent to empower people with products and knowledge to always be prepared and to be safe.

Like what you read? Would you like the entire eBook, a $29.99 value? Visit: is your total source for over 500 non-lethal products. You can get their free newsletter by email at the bottom right of any webpage. Free shipping on orders over $100. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!/bepreparedbesafe

Mace® Screecher Alarm

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The Mace® Screecher Aerosol Alarm emits an ear-piercing blast readily recognized as an emergency call for help.

911 Memorial in small Wisconsin town says it all.

As I was driving through a small Wisconsin town yesterday, I passed this sight and made a u turn to take this picture.

Tips when taking a Taxi. Be Prepared, Be Safe!

Public Transportation continued: Taking a Taxi (also applies to uber and lyft).

Taking a Taxi

·         Carry the phone number of a taxi or mini cab firm you know, and whenever you book a taxi ask them for the driver's name and the type of car they will be driving

·         Try and book the taxi you need to bring you home before you go out. Give your name and when the driver arrives make sure they know the name it was booked under. If you have to book your taxi in a public place, do it quietly where people are unlikely to overhear your name and address

·         If you can, share a taxi with a friend and have your money ready and keys handy at the end of your journey so that you can enter your home quickly

·         If ever you feel uneasy in a taxi ask the driver to stop in a busy place that you know well, and get out

The above excerpt was provided by Scott Security Source, taken from their book: Be Prepared, Be Safe. In this day and age we live; everyone needs to be proactive and aware of their surroundings. It is our intent to empower people with products and knowledge to always be prepared and to be safe.

 Like what you read? Would you like the entire eBook, a $29.99 value? Visit: is your total source for over 500 non-lethal products. You can get their free newsletter by email at the bottom right of any webpage. Free shipping on orders over $100.

Whether your intent is self-defense, arrest and control or threat elimination. The ACT system has it all from hand-to-hand small arms. this DVD you will learn:
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Mr. Shannon Stallard is a former bodyguard and leading expert in hand-to-hand and weapons tactics. He specializes in training those who need effective skills in life and death situations. With a lifetime of study, holding teaching positions in numerous styles of martial arts, you can now learn from his elite, hard-won expertise that others have come to trust with their very lives.
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Traveling By Train? Here's Safety Tips.

Many parts of the USA and especially around the world, people travel by train; it's a common occurance. Unfortunately, when we do things as a matter of routine, we become insensitive to our surroundings. Here are tips to stay alert and be safe when traveling by train (or similar modes of transportation).

·         Wait on a well-lit section of the platform, close to the exit or where there are other people around. Many stations now have CCTV cameras and staff that are trained to deal with emergencies

·         When you get on the train try to sit in a busy compartment and keep any bags and personal possessions you have next to you

·         If you feel uncomfortable switch seats or even consider getting off the train and catching the next one. Only do this if the station where you are getting off is manned and busy

·         Know where the emergency button or cord is situated or any help points at the station

The above excerpt was provided by Scott Security Source, taken from their book: Be Prepared, Be Safe. In this day and age we live; everyone needs to be proactive and aware of their surroundings. It is our intent to empower people with products and knowledge to always be prepared and to be safe. is your total source for over 500 non-lethal products. You can get their free newsletter by email at the bottom right of any webpage. Free shipping on orders over $100.