Photographer Stalks the Woman Who Stole Her Identity. If you are not a photographer or an artist, do this.

This woman went through a lot of trouble to save her identity AFTER the fact. This is a great article and helpful if this happens to you. But, we all hear about things like this everyday and it's easy to be protected at a very low monthly fee which I'll share at the end. 

First, a bit of the article:

When Jessamyn Lovell’s wallet went missing at an art gallery in 2009, she took all the right precautions. She canceled all of her credit cards and put a fraud alert on her credit report to prevent anyone taking out new lines of credit under her name.
Despite these efforts, a year and a half later, Lovell, 38, received a phone call from a police officer who had strange news: A woman in San Francisco had been arrested for using Lovell’s driver’s license to check into a swanky hotel. READ MORE AND WATCH SHORT VIDEO

So, do you just wait until something similar happens to you, or just keep telling yourself that it won't happen to you, or any other conversation that just wastes your time and keeps you "unsafe"? I saw this happening to others around me, heard all the news reports and took things into my own hands; I became a LegalShield associate. I could just have become a member and got the I.D. protection service ($14.99 monthly currently at this writing, or only $9.99 when added to the legal plan) but I wanted to do more, to help others.

If you would like to learn more about the low priced membership options, please visit my site here:

If you would like to learn more about what it takes to become and associate in your area, please attend this webinar first CLICK HERE and then go to my site:
Contact me with your questions by using the "contact me" tab at the top of the site.

Others who read this post were also interested in:

Personal Safety Products available at:

What are my rights? If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.

I just got my LegalShield cards, key tags, and window stickers and I'm really excited! This is such a great product. 

I especially like the wording:

"If it is your intention to question, detain or arrest me, please allow me to call a lawyer intermediately".

That my friend is real "peace of mind". I can call (or use the cool free LS app on my phone) any hour of any day of the week!

The best part is probably that it is less than the price of a coffee a day.

There's a discount on the I.D. Theft service to my readers too.

Check out how it works here.

Check out my cool website here.

Ter Scott!
Keep safe! 

DHL email is not from DHL; it's a malicious virus, read about it here.

This site is all about "protection" and I just got an email asking me to download something about a DHL package.... WARNING!!!

This is what it looks like:

I found a great article on the web that explains more, you can READ IT HERE. Either way, if you get an email like this, delete it immediately; and be sure to tell your friends to be on the look out too. 

Keeping you safe, 
Ter Scott! 

Protect your Family with (AFFORDABLE) Legal Protection and I.D. Theft Protection

Part of protection is "legal" protection but unfortunately the cost for legal services is out of reach for the average consumer... until now.

Watch this video and please visit my website and check out how affordable a membership for you and your household is; including I.D. Theft protection:

Many people appreciate the service so much that they become an associate for LegalShield. If you have interest in becoming an associate, call me at the number on the video and I will direct you to a few video links and informational sites. My goal is to help 3 people from each of the 50 USA states to become successful in LegalShield within the next 12 months. I will meet (and exceed this goal). The question is: Will you be the person in your area sharing this or will someone from your area be sharing this with you?

We are on the verge of a growth explosion. Watch the video and get back to me if you want to be a part of it (either as a member or an associate)!

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
Legal Independent Associate (& Recruiter)

What Should I Shred? I.D. Theft Basics...

According to a recent CBS News article...

After paying credit card or utility bills, shred them immediately. Also, shred sales receipts, unless related to warranties, taxes, or insurance. After a year, shred bank statements, pay stubs, and medical bills, barring some unresolved insurance dispute.
Wondering what to keep? The FTC says documents related to major life events should be saved and kept in a securely locked place. That would include:
·         Birth certificates or adoption papers
·         Social Security cards
·         Citizenship papers or passports
·         Marriage or divorce decrees
·         Death certificates of family members
Identity Theft is so much more. Following is a video of ways you can be affected and as it’s been said over and over, “it’s not if, but when”. It’s easy to be protected and now it’s even less expensive to do this. 
Right now, it’s only $14.99 for your entire family and I’ll even do better than that. When you get a regular LegalShield membership, it’s only $9.99 to add this service to your plan!
I’m interested in more information about a membership plan, CLICK HERE.
I’m interested in the I.D. Theft plan, CLICK HERE.
Request specific details for your state, CLICK HERE.

DID YOU KNOW? You don’t have to be an insurance agent to represent LegalShield? CLICK HERE for details.